Welcome to Juke-99's Blog!!

24 Feb 2018

What is ReactiveX?

Basic infomation of ReactiveX.

28 Feb 2018

Learn RxJava2

Memo of when I learned RxJava. A little explain of Observable, Observer methods. Explanation for onNext, onComplete, and onError. Slight change from Rxjava1. Description of each Subject.

2 Mar 2018

Getting started Apache Wicket

The way to start Apache Wicket. Install, Maven Setting, web.xml Setting, and running by jetty server. HelloWorld.

2 Mar 2018

Learning Apache Wicket

Explain class and method of Apache Wicket. How do Apache Wicket use? What can do? I'm going to explain using various example. In here is explain for Link, Panel, and Markup inheritance.

24 Mar 2018

Picasso in Android

Picasso in Android.